Parents, Guardians, and Families of Sierra View!
As you are no doubt aware, we are returning on Monday to a new hybrid school. Some of you may be in-person and others may be online, either through Sierra View or Oak Bridge. You may even be moving to pure, old-school homeschooling. If you are remaining at Sierra View, either in-person or online, I will remain you Fine Arts teacher. If you are heading for new horizons, I wish you luck on your journey!
Four things you need to be aware of as we move forward:
- Fine Arts is to remain virtual at this moment, as ordered by the district. It will remain weekly with 30 minute sessions. You will continue to receive high quality education.
- The schedule has changed. To adapt to the continually changing rosters, I have combined all grades together and then split them into AM and PM groups. If you have your normal class in the afternoon, then you will have Fine Arts in the morning, and vice versa. Due the the AM/PM split, the class sizes will remain the same as they were for Fine Arts, despite the combined classes.
- Your Zoom link has changed. You will find your new Zoom link under your Google Classroom under Classwork in “The Most Important.” This is to accommodate the combined classes.
- Your Google Classrooms are not changing. All of the same content will be posted across each grade. Even if you are shifting classes, you can remain in your Google Classroom.
If you have any questions, comments, or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me. I will do my best to help if I can.
Ms. Katie Cordy
IMPORTANT: New Schedule! New Zoom Links!